Saturday, January 16, 2010

Here is our little girl-all grown up now! As of January 10th, Cailyn turned 1. They are so many things that she can do. Yet, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed about my responsibility for teaching her everything.

This is what Cailyn is up to these days:

1) At 11 months, Cailyn started walking. She picked it up really quickly, and is now practically running. Last week she learned how to walk backwards, and she thinks it is the funniest thing ever. She also tries to run in circles.

2) Cailyn's favorite word is dog, but most of the time the 'g' is silent. She also says mama and dada.

3) She eats mostly fruit, yogurt, and macaroni and cheese. We tried giving her milk when she turned 1, but she wasn't used to the taste. So, we've been mixing formula and milk together. In about a week, she will only drink milk, and I won't have to buy formula!!! Yeah!!

4) Cailyn loves to kiss and give hugs. Her favorite thing to kiss is Aunt Alana's tummy. We ask her where baby Isaiah is, and she lifts up Alana's shirt and kisses her belly. Alana is due on Feb. 11, and we are excited to see if the kissing will continue. My guess is the jealousy will be too much for her little heart.

5) Her favorite toy, as of right now, is baby dolls. She loves to carry dolls around. She is even willing to throw a fit to keep others from taking her babies. Two things about this are strange to me: first, it is crazy to me that God puts the desire to mother and take care of others at such a young age for little girls (for the most part, you don't see little boys carrying around baby dolls); and secondly, I am surprised how early children learn to take toys and not share with others. I'm hoping that we grow out of this at a young age, but I'm not counting on it.

Well, Cailyn does so many other things, but these are a few of the newer ones. We love her and she is such a blessing to us. We are excited to see what the next year holds for a little girl!

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